Heather’s Offerings

Most sessions are a blend of the following techniques, but your intention for your session and what I’m guided to work on through my assessement and intuition determines what modalities we will use.

Intraoral Massage (Jaw Work)

Great for folks who need relief from TMJ syndrome, sciatica, neck and shoulder pain, night grinders, stress clenchers, migraine-sufferers, and those recovering from trauma to the face, chin, head, and anyone with dental trauma or even sexual trauma. One of the reasons for this is because our jaw and hip fascia is connected, so our jaws can actually be affected by pelvic trauma as well.

Somatic Bodywork

This interactive method of bodywork incorporates guided visualization, intuitive verbal prompts, breathing, stretches, and gentle touch to help you to make a mind-body connection to areas of your body experiencing muscular amnesia due to chronic pain, tightness, limited range of motion, chronic stress, trauma, disassociation, and more. Increases breathing capacity and ease by releasing fascia surrounding the diaphragm, rib cage, and thoracic spine and more.Helps to get you out of fight/flight/freeze and move out of stuckness and to feel more embodied in a safe way. Increases ROM, helps to gently increase body proprioception and awareness of movement, mobility, and will teach you tools to self-sooth your nervous system in any situation.

Trigger-Point Release Therapy (Myofascial) **

An assessment will precede the actual bodywork. This will consist of a few background questions about injuries, habits, pain, etc. and me guiding you through ranges of motion that I will record and take note of any imbalances I see. 1-2 body parts will be the focus of this session. This treatment can be intense and you may be slightly sore the next day but the end result is long term pain relief, improved range of motion, extremely effective adhesion and scar tissue reduction for healthier muscles that can better support your skeletal structure. A reassessment after your session may show you immediate results, although sometimes the full benefits won't be seen or felt for a few days.

Neuromuscular Reprogramming (NMR)

This bodywork has been a game-changer in my own healing, alignment, and muscle function. Passive range of motion (ROM) techniques and 2-second, light resistance muscles tests will be used to gather information and determine which muscles to release in order to activate inhibited/inactive muscles. Some or all of the following techniques may be used during your session: Guided meditation, trigger-point release (MFT) gentle and rhythmic rocking and shaking techniques, deep tissue, assisted stretching, and more.

Trauma-Informed, Guided Breath Work and Meditation

Online and In-Person Sessions

There are many types of breath work. Some are great for calming and slowing down the nervous system, and other times the goal is to move stuck energy and emotions by speeding up the breath and intensifying it. People who have experienced plant medicine ceremonies often say that the emotional release and shift in perspectives that they achieve during breath work are similar to when they have been in healing circles. Some people want to get up and move their bodies during a session. Others get the “healing hands” (when they feel like they’re buzzing and vibrating), and feel called to shake them out or move them to places in their bodies that are holding pain or stuck emotions while conciously breathing into those areas. Emotional releases can be big and loud, or quiet and imperceptible. No matter what your intention or experience is, I will be there to hold sacred, healing space for you.

Energy Work

ThetaHealing (Online and In-Person)

I am an Advanced ThetaHealing practitioner. ThetaHealing is an interactive energy work modality done while in a theta brain wave (that sweet spot between waking and sleep). Every session is different because it depends on what you intend to work on, clear, and/or manifest, and what I am guided to work on. If one does not believe in the existence of a higher consciousness (something bigger than you and I), then this type of healing is not recommended at this time because your subconscious will likely block much of the healing.

Limiting belief systems come to light during our conversation in which I will ask guiding questions and hold space for your subconscious mind to unfold. These belief systems are looked at during a meditative state because it enables you to share from an open state of mind without judgement or defensiveness, and helps us uncover and remove what is no longer serving you, and to transform your beliefs in order to attract abundance and to live a happier, healthier life. Letting go of limiting beliefs leads to physical healing and vibrational and energetic upgrades.

During Bodywork Sessions

Gentle acupressure points will be held to remove energy blockages, balance energy flow, and to release hyper sensitive trigger points in muscles usually when the body is in a state of flight/fight/freeze.

Pricing for In-Person Sessions

75 Minutes - $180

90 Minutes - $210

120 Minutes - $280

Pricing for Remote/Online Sessions

60 Minutes - $150

75 Minutes  -  $170

90 Minutes  -  $190

120 Minutes  - $240

*Attention New Sliding Scale and

Payment plan Options*

1) I am offering sliding scale pricing. Please let me know during our consultation call if you need sliding scale assistance and please let me know what your circumstanes are, so that we might come to an acceptable rate for both of us. This is not to be requested after your appointment, and must be agreed to during our consultation call before booking your first appointment.

2) Pay the regular full rate or the sponsor rate and pay in installments of 2-4 payments in 4-6 weeks. Not currently available to set up online, not eligible to be used with the lowest sliding scale rate, and must be arranged with me before coming in for your appointment.