Heather is an exceptional healer, and has undeniably transformed my quality of life. Over the past six months of being under her care, I have experienced an extraordinary improvement in my overall well-being.

Heather possesses an innate understanding of the subtle energetic aspects of the human body. Through her skilled touch and intuitive approach, she seamlessly weaves together the physical and energetic realms, creating a harmonious experience that goes beyond the surface level. While I may not fully grasp the intricacies of this energy work, I can feel a subtle shift in my body as she works with the energy pathways, encouraging the release of blockages and restoring a sense of harmony. The result is not only a physical release of tension but also a deep sense of emotional and mental clarity.

Heather’s expertise in energy work goes hand in hand with her exceptional massage skills. She has relieved me from chronic muscular tension and pain that had plagued me for years. Her hands possess the ability to locate and dissolve even the deepest knots, leaving my body feeling lighter, freer, and more rejuvenated after every session. Her treatments have not only provided me with immediate relief but have also contributed to my long-term healing and improved mobility. Her intuitive touch, combined with her understanding of the energetic body, creates a truly holistic experience that transcends traditional bodywork.

Beyond the physical benefits, Heather’s calming presence and genuine compassion have had a profound impact on my mental wellness. She possesses a remarkable ability to understand the unique needs of her clients. From the very first session, she attentively listened to my concerns and tailored her approach to address them effectively. Her warm demeanor and soothing energy create a tranquil environment that allows me to fully relax. A Heather session is a sanctuary for self-care and inner peace.

Without a doubt, I can wholeheartedly recommend Heather to anyone seeking health and healing. Her unwavering dedication, exceptional skills, and compassionate nature make her an unparalleled practitioner. Under Heather’s care, I have discovered a new level of wellness that I never thought possible, and for that, I am forever grateful.

— Anna Fitch
As a mental health clinician and a trauma survivor, I have a special understanding of the way the body lives in close relationship to the mind, emotions, and spirit. Working with Heather has brought relief to my body in my struggles with chronic pain, but this is only a small part of Heather’s magic. The fullness of her gifts have actually brought a deeper healing into my life. Heather has an uncommonly intuitive and wise understanding of how to allow the pain we carry in our hearts to release the pain we hold in our bodies and vice versa.

Heather’s approach is engaged, curious, incredibly gentle and loving. Never in my life have I trusted a healer to safely hold my body and emotions to this level, and she does it with so much wisdom and grace. Despite years of talk therapy and my own well of knowledge from my own practice as a therapist, I’ve never made so much progress in uncovering and releasing so much deeply embodied trauma as I have under Heather’s care. I have unexpectedly broken through to the other side of myself in places I’ve been stuck with pain and struggle for years.

Heather’s gifts impart a more meaningful kind of wellness and integration than I even knew was possible on a massage table. If what you want is a relaxing experience in a soothing environment, there are plenty of massage therapists who can give this to you, and I’ve met and worked with many of them. But to get the full benefit of Heather’s healing you have to be ready to meet yourself, to challenge your thinking, and to trust that your body and spirit will know what to do when she opens a pathway to repair their connection. Our work together over the last two years has been life-changing, and it has been such a joy and an honor to have her in my life.
— "TN"
I came to Heather in pain from injury, holding tightly onto to fear and past trauma. I was
immediately struck by the sense of safety and serenity I felt in the space she held, as well as her
warm and highly intuitive presence. In our first session, Heather showed me tools for regulating
my nervous system and she has continued to help me reconnect to my body, feeling into areas I
didn’t know I had lost connection with.

Heather is a gifted healer, who has helped me draw connections between my emotional world
and the stresses and pain held in my body. Our sessions together have illuminated new
understanding of how I carry myself in the world, my emotional and bodily awareness, and
meaningful self-reflections that were previously outside my awareness.
As a mental health professional, I am in awe of the profound effect that Heather’s help in
connecting the physical, spiritual, and emotional dimensions of being can have on the healing
process. Working with Heather has fortified my sense of self, changed my mindset towards pain
and healing, and she has shed bright light during a challenging chapter of my life.

Nervana Body & Soul is aptly named, as Heather’s craft offers immense physical relief, while
accessing deeper patterns, whose teachings create lasting impact and transformation.
— With Gratitude, Katherine E.
“I highly recommend signing up for Heather’s monthly series. You will be doing very deep work together. It can be intense because memories, old fears and feelings - many things may be unearthed and she leads you through using massage, energy work, and somatic work. For a month you’re immersed and things can develop cumulatively where you can gauge what is happening and building from week to week.

I left each session lighter, more resilient, and with a greater understanding of my pain and the power I have to make necessary changes.

I trust Heather to create and hold a safe and secure container for any and all of my emotions, thoughts, and whatever may come up. I have felt very vulnerable and she helps me to explore what is happening with wisdom and compassion.

She is incredibly intuitive in bodywork and energy work. The questions she asks as she guides you are insightful, pertinent, and lead to new perspectives.

I now feel like I’ve gotten a jumpstart on my own self-discovery and healing journey. Thank you, Heather, for this offering and for your loving work and presence!”

— Jessica Ogawa, CMT
Heather is a rare gem who possesses integrity, professionalism and tremendous compassion. She is bright as the sun in her energy and spirit. As a healer, Heather uses several healing modalities, since she is trained in many of them, by doing this she creates a safe space for clients and helps them on a very deep level. I am truly astonished by her insight and astuteness. Heather lovingly guided me in connecting deeper to myself and spirit. I am so grateful to have found her.
— Dina